Sabado, Hulyo 30, 2011


The Diary

Ten years ago, Hans looses all of his dreams in an instant; a dear friend stole from him. And though it was passed ten years, He always thought that even he forgive his friend, she would never ask for forgiveness nor even admit what she did  I kept telling myself that “Life must go on!”.

Hans is living in Zenica near the bookstore with his family. He is a famous person for his good works and his deeds. They are family of Catholics but they did not criticize other religions. A simple life is what he asked for; he just wanted to be with his family and friends. He is working on a first class hotel when he decided to put a business in the year 2000 with his friend, Delilah. Fortunately, the business they built grow, but Hans notices that Delilah has a new laptop, Hans asked Delilah where did it came from but she only said that it was a gift from a good friend. After sometime, the business they brought up is bankrupted; and Hans figured out that Delilah is stealing from their money. Now, Hans is working as a manager of the Hotel and having some money which he saves. Everything that happened is written on his diary.

“Yes Sir, I will be right there immediately” says Hans
“Okay, but be sure to bring all the records you had” instructed the Director
“Yes Sir”

On the office of the director:

“You will be assigned to our branch at Sarajevo” Mr. Andres says
“Thank you sir, when will I going to start?” ask Hans
“Tomorrow, you will be escorted to Sarajevo” Mr. Andres says
“But Sir, I don’t need an escort”
“You will need, you will be the Vice President of our branch in Sarajevo”
“Thank you Sir, I owe it all to you” Hans says
“You deserve it”

Morning has come, Hans ride the car that is parked in the parking lot of the hotel, and with him are Mr. Andres and some of his staffs.

“Thank you very much Sir” says Hans
“You deserve it! I know that when you are the V-President in Sarajevo, our Hotels will succeed!” says Mr. Andres
“Thank you for giving the opportunity to prove myself to you”
“So much thanks! I trust you the company, so prove yourself to me!”
“Yes Sir! I will prove myself to you”
“Of you Go then” says Mr. Andres
“Goodbye Sir” says Hans
“Have a nice trip” says Mr. Andres

During the journey of Hans on the road, he notices that there are some people following him, he knew that they were his escorts.

When he reaches the Hotel, he is warmly welcomed by some of the hotel staffs. He was brought to his permanent office. He will be staying at the condominium near the hotel, the condominium is provided by the company for him.

On the first day of his job, he does the things that the Vice President must do; and after a few months, all his workmates became close to him and they became friends.

“Sir, there is a phone call for you, it’s Director Andres” his assistant says

The assistant transferred the connection to the office of Hans.

“Hello Sir, Good afternoon” greeted Hans
“Good afternoon Hans, there is a report that our hotel is doing great! Thanks to you, you truly deserve your position” says Mr. Andres
“Thank you Sir”
“How about you will be promoted to President?”
“Thank you Sir, but the Presidency is the position of your Son”
“He did not deserve it! You deserve it more!”
“I’m sorry sir”
“It’s Okay, I know that this will happen, but you should always have a conversation with him so that all his decisions will be right”
“I will Sir”

Hans decided to go to the office of Leo, the son of Mr. Andres.

“Sir, can we talk?” says Hans
“Sure, take your sit, so what is it?” Leo greeted Hans Warmly
“Your father wants me to give your position but I refused it, I want you to prove yourself to your father so that he could be confident in you” says Hans
“”Why did you refused it? I really don’t want this position, he just gave it to me and I had no choice!” exclaimed Leo
“Please, Mr. Andres is like a father to me he wants me to give everything that I don’t even need”
“I’m so sorry, from now on; I will prove myself to him, thank you Hans”
“You’re welcome Sir”

After 5 years, Hans is one of the riches people in their country. He takes a deep breath while sitting into the chair on their sala. He’s reading his diary and he realized that all the misfortunes that happened to him are now being rewarded back.

Somewhere down the road

When Matthew Lanrouj asked to head the department where he works, he accepted the offer even though he is a bit scared.  He planned and exercised his assigned responsibilities as best as he could and ended his term as one of the best heads the department had ever seen. Matthew was surprised then one faculty member criticized his performance. He felt that her accusations against him were without basis. Matthew’s anger towards her affected his work and he became unproductive in the office.

“What do you really want from me?” Matt exclaimed
“Nothing! You were such a loser; you always think that you know everything” Magi Exclaimed
“You are such an insecure! Don’t worry, I’ll resign!” Matt says with a loud voice

Matt resigned at his work. For all the years he spent in that company he realized that he just get defeated instantly. He got home early and his mother noticed that he was early this day.

“How was your day?” Mrs. Lanrouj ask
“I will lie if I’ll say everything is okay” Matt says
“My son, that’s just a trial, you’ve come to this point of your life because you’ve surpass many trials”
“I love you Mom”
“I love you too”

Their family lives on an apartment in Dublin. They were there for almost 12 years after Matthew’s father died, but because Matt resigned on his work, he needs to find another one to be able to pay the rental of their house.

After 2 months Matt still couldn’t find a job. The good thing is that the landlady is a good friend of them and she understands their current status. Unfortunately, his mother got sick. He tried to do works on the street but it is just enough for their foods, after a month, his mother died. Matthew’s anger towards the girl grew much heavier, and no one can change his mind.

After the neurological service of his mother, Matt decided to go to someplace to start his life once again. He travelled 51.7 Miles to Tullamore and started his life there. After a year he was employed in a store and became good friends with the owner.

“Sir, we had a lot of sales this day and some customers gave us a tip”
“Really? Well, that’s good, tomorrow will be another day and I hope that we will have better sales” Mr. Maos says
 “I hope Sir; by the way, there was a letter from Mr. Guthen he is requesting to meet me at Charleville castle and bring some goods for him and his friends” says Matt
“Okay, bring everything on his list tomorrow”
“Yes Sir”

The next morning Matt delivered the goods in the Charleville Castle. Mr. Guthen was impressed by his dedication on his work that’s why; Mr. Guthen hired Matt into his company, Matt bid farewell to his friends and to Mr. Maos.

After a year Matt became the Vice President of the company, he became successful on his life, he thanks Mr. Guthen for all the blessings he received.  He forgot his anger towards the girl, he forgot everything about his past, and he is just focusing on the present. One night, Mr. Guthen called Matt in his office.

“Do you really know why I hired you here?” Mr. Guthen asks
“Not really Sir” Matt says
“Because of your skills, your abilities! And someone ask me to do it” Mr. Guthen says
“Can I know the name sir?” Matt ask
“She’s Lina Florence” says Mr. Guthen

Matt was shocked, the reason of his misfortune and the death of his mother is coming back to him.

“I can’t believe this”
“She’s sorry for what she’d done” says Mr. Guthen
“I already forgave her, Mr. Guthen”
“She wants to see you on Tuesday, met her at Charleville castle” Mr. Guthen instructed.

Matt traveled to Tullamore and find Lina on Charleville Castle. She was really sorry.

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me” says Lina
“I’ve forgave you a long ago” says Matt

Matt hugged Lina. They became friends and lately fall in love with each other. When Matt was assigned at America, he needs to leave Lina alone. They both encountered challenges as couples, but still, continues to have faith with one another.

“Hello Hon? How are you there?” Ask Lina
“I’m Okay, I will be home next Month, but I have to tell you something”
“What is it? Is there something wrong?” Lina was curious and worried
“I’m married”
“I’d loved you since the day we were together” Lina is crying
“I’m sorry, please forgive me” Matt says
“It’s Okay, but can I request you one thing?” says Lina
“What is it?” Matt asks
“Could you stay with us even just a week?”
“Sure, I will be staying there next month”

When Matt came home, he was warmly welcomed by Lina, it seems that nothing happens. On six days of his stay, he realized how much he loves Lina he realized that Lina gave her whole world to him. But on the seventh’ day…

“Honey, can I ask you to dance with me?” ask Lina
“Sure, you know we’d love to dance” Matt says
“I Love you” Says Lina

When the two was dancing, Matt sees their pass, all the trials and problems they’ve encountered. On the part “Somewhere down the road our roads are gonna cross again, it doesn’t really matter when” Lina loses her consciousness, she was rushed to the hospital but the Doctor announced that she was dead and the cause is Cancer.

After many years, Matt is happy of his marriage life, but he cannot forget Lina. And if He will be given a chance to live again, he would choose to live with Lina.

You are not so Different(written last December 2010)

Not so different

Tom Ruthensome regarded himself as a generally peace-loving person who avoided conflicts by not being too aggressive, confrontational or in any way controversial. He was unconcerned. He’d rather not involve himself in other people’s conflict. He was cold and lacking in compassion. He passively waited for a fund drive, an invitation to an outreach program or a solicitation letter before he extended himself to the needy. He was neutral. A friend who did immoral or illegal acts was still okay to him. And yet, he believes that he pleased God because he caused no harm and pain to anyone.

He’s living in Rome together with his parents; Rome is the central city of Christianity in which all people are taught to follow the ways of Jesus Christ. Tom is different, he doesn’t care, and he just wanted a simple life with his family and his best friend, Kim.

“Hey tom, I’ve read your column in the campus journal yesterday” says Kim
“Really? Is it great?”
“Yes and our schoolmates think that you could be the next editor in chief”
“I wish I could be, but I don’t care what other people thinks of me, I’m just doing my job”

Tom and Kim are studying at the University of La Sapienza and now on their 4th year taking up an Engineering course. They were together since they were kids and treat each other as brothers. Every year, there comes a time where they would spend a whole day doing things that they love and going to the places they want. Each of them came from a wealthy family that’s why they are free to do the things they wanted.

“Let’s go to Colosseum today, there are a lot of people there today” Kim says
“Ok, maybe we can find some good stuff there for our thesis”
“Enough with our thesis, we almost spent our summer doing that”
“Okay, maybe we can have some fun today; we became exhausted these past few months” recommends Tom

The two boys ride their cars and went to the Colosseum in as fast as 15 minutes. When they parked their cars in the parking lot, they saw a kid selling a book which has a title of “My life for Humanity”. Tom didn’t mind the kid but Kim gets his wallet and bought the book from the kid. Tom saw that the kid was happy but he didn’t mind it, he just approaches Tom and proceeded their way to the Colosseum. It was 12:00 pm in the afternoon when they both decided to eat at a cafĂ© near the Colosseum.

“How about some pasta for you?” Kim suggested
‘It’s okay, maybe you can order me what I want, and you know me” Tom says in a low voice
“Alright, Two Lasagna and wine for us” Kim instructed the waitress
After their lunch they proceeded to the bookstore where Kim found the kid he saw in the parking lot, he figured out that the kid is volunteering for the old man’s store and receiving nothing as a payment.

“What minds you?” ask Tom
“Nothing, it was that kid we saw in the lot, he is volunteering here to help the old man” Kim explained
“Well, that’s good for him”
“Can you do it also?” Kim ask
“Maybe, I don’t think so”

At 3:00 pm they decided to travel back to their houses, but unfortunately, the car of Tom didn’t start, so they decided to just use the car of Kim.

At the intersection, their car crushed at the passenger bus. There are no passengers on the bus but their car is completely wrecked.

A month after the accident, Tom gain his consciousness, but unfortunately, he figured out that Kim died in the accident and he hasn’t given a chance to see his friend. On the side table of his bed, there was a book titled “My life for Humanity”, Kim owned it, and now, he will going to take good care of it.

Tom opens the first page “Serve the people as you serve the Lord”, this line touches him, and made him change his character. Every day, he opens a read a sentence in the book and its changing him little by little.

“Dad, I will be at Venice tomorrow, I will be a volunteer for the youth” Tom says
“Okay, that’s good; you can ask some assistance from me if you needed” his dad suggested
“Thank you dad don’t worry I will be fine there”
“I know”

After a year, Tom finally graduated at the school; he offers his diploma to his parents and his best friend, Kim. He decided to build an orphanage for the children. He became successful in his life.

One day, his dad approaches him while he was sitting on their porch.

“The sun is beautiful isn’t it?” Mr. Ruthensome says
“Yeah dad, it’s beautiful”
“Did you finish the book of Kim?” Mr. Ruthensome ask
 “Yes, just this day, it’s quite a journey for me because of this book”
“Do you know that Kim is also looking in that direction?”
“How do you know?”
‘Because you possess his eyes, after the accident, you are blinded by the shards of glass from the wind shield and because Kim is near to death, he gave you his eyes” Mr. Ruthensome explained
“It’s all because of him, he is really my best friend” Tom says

He can’t resist crying, his best friend really wants him to change, the best of friend he really has. Then a note fell from the book, Tom read it; “You are not so different”.

Peace of Mind (written last december)

Up until a few years ago, Mari Rotteur was a workaholic. Mari worked from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm, six days a week. Mari was so in love with the works she was doing that she forgot what she really needed for her life. At the age of 24, she occupied a top position in the company where she was working. Life was so easy and she enjoyed it a lot.

Just a few months ago, Mari met an accident which changes her whole life. She is on her way to her work on Bern when a truck crushed into her car it broke her legs and she knew that she could not walk anymore. She’s now living with her mother near Aar river which flows around the City of Bern.

“It’s a good day my child, don’t you want to go to the Park and feed the birds?” her mother ask
“Maybe later mom, I have a work to do”
“What is it?”
“I’m filling for a job at the ETH Zurich as their Librarian”

Her mother approaches her with a teary eyed.

“Mom, I know, I can” Mari says
“I know, but I’m so worried for you”
“Don’t worry Mom, I can”

She mailed the application letter then after a month she received a letter that she was hired as a new librarian but on the moment she read the letter she realized that she doesn’t really want books yet she needs to work and something to do to ease her boredom.

When she arrived at Zurich, she went directly to the Department of Academic Affairs and she was warmly welcomed to the school. She will stay at the dormitory in Zurich together with the other employees of ETH.

The next morning is the start of her work she will be having a breakfast at the table together with the other employees. The fork is held in the left hand, and the knife in the right. Hands are kept above the table, and utensils are placed side by side on the plate when finished eating, and the eldest, Mr. Albert Maccini sits into the center of the table.

“En Guete” says Mari

When she reached the library, she sat into the chair and table which has a name “Librarian”

After a few minutes, there were a lot of students approaching her to borrow the books they are carrying. They present their library cards to Mari and she made them log into the logbook.

One day, when Mari was reading a book, a little girl approaches her and shake her hand.

“Hi, I’m Rima” the girl says
“Hello, I’m Mari, what do you want?”
“I want peace of mind”
“Maybe you can find it in the books on the 2nd floor, you can use the elevator if you want” Mari instructed
“Thank you; I love the second floor of this building”
“You’re welcome”

Two months have passed and Mari is enjoying her stay at the library, she made friends with Rima and they also do some recreational activities like fishing and walking. Mari didn’t just have Rima as her friend; she also made friends with her co-employees and students from ETH.

“Rima, can I ask you?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“I haven’t known anything about you except that were friends, where do you live? How old are you?” Mari ask
“I’m Rima Scott, I live in Matterhorn and I’m 17 years old” says Rima
“Ha-ha, I’m just joking”
“Silly you! Hahaha”

On Christmas day, which is a holiday in Switzerland, Mari invited Rima to come to their house but she didn’t come. Mari is disappointed with her and she swears not to be friends with Rima again.

Christmas break is over when Mari came back to work, she didn’t find Rima day after day, and she didn’t still find Rima.

“Are you Ok?” Mr. Maccini asks
“Yes Sire, but I haven’t seen my friend these past few days”
“And who is your friend?”
“Her name is Rima”
“Rima Scott?”
“Yes Sire, how do you know her?”
“I didn’t I have to go!” Mr. Maccini exclaimed

Mari noticed that the facial expression of Mr. Maccini tells that he’s scared. The next morning, Mari found a letter on her table which has a written name of Rima. She read it and it says that Rima wants to meet her this 6:00 pm at the second floor of the library. Mari decided to come to see her friend. Even though it was not Mari’s schedule in the library, the guard allows her to enter.
“How are you?”
“I’m Ok, I miss you” Mari says
“Maybe we can sit at the chair and you can offer me a coffee?”

Mari get make a coffee unto her office when she received a text message from Mr. Maccini, it says: “Stay away from Rima, she is dead long ago, she wants to have somebody to share her agony!” she ride at the elevator and thinks that everything is fine.

“What took you so long?” Rima asks
“Mr. Maccini plays a joke on me, and I want to make this coffee taste good”
“He’s not joking”

Mari’s body became numb, she can’t move her body and she can’t say a word.

“I want peace of mind, that’s why; I want you to be here with me forever!” Rima exclaimed

Rima pushes Mari into the stairs, Mari fell into the floor and her blood squirts from her head, Mari is dead.

After a year, there was a new hired librarian, and then made friends with two girls name Mari and Rima…

[not for submission]What is a True Leader?(Pinuno Ka Ba Talaga!?)

sometimes, we thought that being a leader is the best way to get famous and be recognized, others thought that it was a opportunity to make money, others, to acquire love.

Sa panahon ngayon, ang pagiging pinuno ay isa nang puhunan, isang malaking sugal para sa ibang tao na kung saan sila ay magbubuwis ng libo-libong salapi upang makapunta lamang sa inaasam nilang mga trono. O ano? tinamaan ka? wag kang mag-alala, hindi lang ikaw, marami kayo. Sabi ng aking kilalang kura-paroko ng aming simbahan habang siya ay nakikipag-usap sa mga kabataan: "Napakaganda ng Pulitika". Mayroon siyang sariling dahilan at ito ay tama naman. Pinilit ko ang sarili ko na hanapin ung "maganda" sa pulitika, at isa lang ang nakita ko, depende pa sa tao: "ang pagtulong sa kapwa".

Hindi ko talaga maiintindihan ang dahilan ng ibang tao upang man-lamang ng iba. Masaya ang buhay kung lahat pantay pantay at hindi iniisip ang kanilang kaibahan sa ibang tao. Ung isa nga dyan, minamaliit ang pagiging bayani ng ating mga guro, eh di ba guro ka din?! hindi dahil sa nasa posisyon ka ay malaya ka ng makakapang husga ng ibang tao, tandaan mo, hindi ka niluklok ng mga mamamayan upang sila ay maliitin mo lang, pagsilbihan ka nila o gawin mo silang alipin, nilagay ka nila dyan kasi nagtiwala sila sayo at dapat ay tumbasan mo iyon ng pagseserbisyo. Ang sabi nga ni P-Noy sa kanyang SONA "Ang aking Mga Boss".

Siguro nag-eenjoy sila kapag sila ang nasa trono, yun bang parang naglalaro ng Langit-Lupa, na kapag ikaw ay nasa mataas, hindi ka matataya. Pero tandaan natin na sa larong yon ay kailangan mong bumaba, kung hindi, ikaw na ang magiging taya.

Isa sa mga nakikita kong dahilan kung bakit nag-eenjoy sila ay ang nakukuha nilang............ PERA!!!! woohoo.... kapag nakakarinig sila ng salitang PERA ay parang bumukas ang kalangitan at bumaba ang mga anghel(anghel nga ba? bakit may mga buntot?). Syempre naman, kapag may pera ka ay makakabili ka ng HP touchscreen computer, makakapagbayad ka sa dorm mo, makakapag date kayo ng girlfriend mo at higit sa lahat pati tao kayang bilhin ng nasa bulsa mo. Sabi ng iba pera daw ang nagpapaikot sa mundo, totoo, pero hindi nila sinabing pera lang ang nagpapaikot sa mundo. Ang pera, wala yan! nandyan yan ngayon, mamaya wala na! Ang tao parin ang nagpapaikot sa mundo at sya ang magiging bahala sa kanyang magiging buhay kahit wala syang pera.

Try kaya natin na wag mag pasweldo sa mga opisyales.....may tatakbo pa kaya? o tayo ang magsasarilihan na?

Ang totoong pinuno ay hindi sa pera tumitingin, kundi sa pangangailangan ng kanyang nasasakupan. Tulad ng isang 3 years old na bata, bigyan mo ng P1,000 pesos at itatapon yan, pero bigyan mo ng piso at kukunin yan sabay takbo sa tindahan. Minsan talaga, mas tama parin ang mga ugali ng mga bata. Kung bigyan ka ba ng trabaho bilang presidente sa isa sa mga malalaking organisasyon ng iyong paaralan at ikaw pa ay laging binabatikos o kinokontra ng ibang matataas na tao at nang kung walang bayad at walang awards, kukunin mo kaya? Sabi nung iba jan, "Dae Nalang, Mapagalon Daw"(Wag nalang, Nakakapagod Kaya).

Mahirap maging pinuno, maraming gawain, maraming tao na kailangan mo subaybayan at higit sa lahat, pagod ka na nga, wala pang makakaintindi sayo kung may butas silang makita sa ginawa mo.Eh bakit ka naman kasi gumagawa ng butas, pwede mo naman gamitan ng Marine Epoxy, mura lang P65 lang meron na at mukha nang bago ang iyong ginagawa, kaso nga lang, Halata. Kapag gumagawa ang isang mahusay at tapat na pinuno, hindi nya kailangang mangamba, kasi kahit gumamit pa sila nga Hobble telescope ay wala silang makikitang butas. Golden rule sa pagiging pinuno ang maging tapat ka sa mga myembro mo at sa mga taong nagtiwala sayo.

"i am the valedictorian of our class", "i am the SSG president of our school", "i am the most cutest guy of our school", " i am the SK chairman of our barangay". Ilan lang ang mga ito sa mga sinasabi ng ibang mga estudyante kapag sila ay kumakampanya sa eleksyon lalo na kapag maraming tao.... para saan? syempre! para naman sumikat at malaman ng iba na matalino o gwapo sila. Pero kailangan ba talagang malaman ng mga taong nakikinig kung sino o ano ang nasa harapan nila? Hindi kailan man nagiging sukatan ang iyong mga naabot sa buhay sa pakikitungo mo sa ibang tao. Kahit na ikaw pa ang pinaka batang presidente ng Miliminas este ng Pilipinas kung masama naman ang ugali mo at wala kang respeto sa ibang tao, tiyak sa kangkungan ang punta mo. My second golden rule: Be Humble!

Kung magsisilbi sana tayo, wag na tayong maghintay ng kapalit, lalong lalo na ang KUMUHA NG KAPALIT! may nakilala ako MATAGAL NG PANAHON ang nakalipas, gumagawa siya ng paraan upang sikretong makakuha sa pondo ng kanilang samahan, pero still, gumamit yata sya ng mahal na Epoxy para hindi masyadong halata ang kanyang ginawa. Sana mabasa mo itong blog ko, at TAMAAN KA! bang!!! bang!!! bang!!! haha... Sabi ko nga kanina hindi pera ang nagpapaikot sa mundo, kundi ang mga tao. Magsilbi ka ng bukal sa iyong puso, ang tunay na leader nagsisilbi, hindi nagpapasilbi! Kailangan lang nilang humingi minsan ng tulong pero ang konting bagay na binigay mo sa isang leader ay malaki na para sa kanya. My third golden rule: Know your Priorities and Serve it!"

Napakaingay ng buhay ng isang pinuno. Pero para sa isang tunay na Pinuno, isa lamang itong chorus sa kanta na nagpapaganda sa trabaho nya. Sana maging maayos na ang pamumuno ng mga taong aking gustong patamaan, aksidenteng natamaan at gustong matamaan para naman makatulog sila ng mahimbing at tahimik. Sya nga pala, hindi ko sinasabing isa ankong mahusay na pinuno, pero gagawin ko ang lahat para hindi maging katulad ng mga nabangit ko.

Maging masaya tayo, pero wag tayong makuntento sa bulok na systema  ng ibang tao kasi kahit takpan pa natin yan o kumuha pa sila ng malaking panakip jan, sisingaw at sisingaw parin yan, na kahit isa lang ang makaamoy, still, sumingaw parin...
